In this, we talked about using layers, using adjustment layers, making your own color lookup tables that we could use over and over again on either videos or photos if we wanted to, for that matter.
#How to make a gif in photoshop 2018 series#
So editing video is nothing more than editing a series of still images that are all put together. There's other types of websites that you can upload them to, other GIF websites that you can upload them to, and they will do that hosting for you so that you can use those over on your social media platforms. Typically with animated GIFS, you wanna host those on your own website and then use the link for that and put that onto something like Facebook rather than just uploading it directly to Facebook, 'cause it's not gonna interact the same way. If we were to upload it to a website, it would upload and it would have the animated GIF kind of feature going on with it.
#How to make a gif in photoshop 2018 windows#
Now, if we open up that animated GIF, it's gonna open up in Photoshop as an animated GIF, but if we were to open that just as a regular Windows Viewer, just right-click and open it up into another type of viewer, you'd see it as an animated GIF. Let's go ahead and save this into the same folder that we've been using under Editing Video, Animated GIF, and we'll save it in there. And then once you press save, depending on where you save this to. So have this just set to the regular GIF for save for web. If you change these settings, it's not gonna really work out for you. I did a whole video tutorial on this where I broke down every one of these different things, and really what it comes down to is whatever Photoshop kind of opens up with, just go ahead and go with it. There's many things that you can go into.

I would tend to just keep this probably with the settings that it says right here.

Then, we get to select whether it's perceptual, selective, or basically the settings of what's gonna happen as the GIF plays. If it was a JPEG, it's just gonna be one layer, so it's a GIF. If I look at what it's asking me here is that it's a GIF. This is the only way you're really gonna be able to save it as an animated GIF, so make sure you're going in through this save for web feature. But the save for web feature gives you the ability to turn this into an animated GIF. I don't even know if they even have save for web in here anymore underneath the file. This is one of the fastest ways to get into the save for web feature. We're gonna press Control+Shift+Alt and S, or Command+Shift+Option and S. Now, in order to export this, we need to export it out as a GIF, so what we're gonna do for that is we're gonna use a legacy version of exporting for web. A little bit faster, so now it's oh, wait. And we'll just go ahead and press play, and now they're going for one second per, which might be a little bit too long, so we'll just press stop. Do you want it to loop once? Do you want it to loop three times? Or do you want it to loop forever? We're gonna say loop forever because that's what animated GIFs do. And then, you get to decide how much do you want this to loop. 1 seconds, it's gonna be very fast, so what you want to gather attention is probably one second per. If we had a video that was 24 frames a second, we get to identify how long each one of these frames actually is. So now, you see there's two different layers here inside our frame animation. Gonna select Create Frame Animation, and then after I've created the frame animation, I'm gonna click on this little hamburger icon right here, and then I'm gonna say Make Frames From Layers. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna select both of these. And it's basically just a finished flattened layer on top of your beginning work that would alter back and forth, on and off. So if you can imagine using this in your workflow as a photographer, this is something that maybe you wanna show the before and after of something in a video in your timeline, so that as people are going through your Facebook page or something like that, they see a before and after. Now, because this is a layer that has transparency in it, I don't want that to become one of my frames in my image, so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna press Control+Shift+Alt and E, and then if I delete this layer here, that's essentially just a layer stamp for all the stuff that I did with both of those two layers combined. So if I just double-click this and open it up in Photoshop, I've got my frame animation right here. I'm gonna open up this image here which has layers in it that we're gonna use to make our animated GIF.